Saturday, December 25, 2010

Book encopassing all subjects

To day there are books and books for the children burdening their backs. Can we think of a book which satisfies all the subjects. A child till the 8th standard goes to school carrynig one text book is a dream suitin the need of NCF 2005.

1 comment:

  1. Respected Seniors and friends
    One book for all subjects means not the diffrent subjects in a single binding,which introduced and reverted back during 2005-06,06-07.
    I am speaking about a text with the context which creates situations for learning all subjects. The context will be such that no teacher can escape from utilising the context and focus up on text.
    During the last 300 years not much has changed. Not even the 2005-06 type of books which had diffident subjects in one binding.It was not the kind I am concerned about.
    I am mentioning about the Concept mapping encompassing of the content as a whole. A true depiction of NCF 2005. It can be achieved not with information loading in the book called text but by a situation which trigger questions.
    An attempt has been well made in CBSE Math book of third std now, Or in the 9th std social science with charectors like Unni and Munni.They have begun well but again in the comaprtment of Subjects.
    The constructivism goes above all the things which practiced durnig Vedic times(Now practiced by almost all the Developed countries). The behavioural tendencies of looking at learning some times fail to understand even the point we are trying to make.
    (Approach like chaithanya (ABL) again makes teacher centric, where teacher thinks like providing opportunity to children. It must be children allow a teacher to to talk, or facilitate.)
    With regards
